JUNOCAM GLOBAL MAP OF IO - Intensification

2024-07-13 14:55 UT
Credit : NASA / JPL / SwRI / MSSS / Gerald Eichstädt / Jason Perry / John Rogers / Thomas Thomopoulos © cc by
Submitted By : tthomopoulos
Mission Phase : PERIJOVE 60

Citation about global map : "We can now provide a preliminary global map of Io from JunoCam images, using the maps from PJ55, PJ57, PJ58, and PJ60. This includes data from both the sunlit side (right half and extreme left) and the jove-lit dark side (left of centre). Caution that positions may be uncertain by several degrees, and that the brightness and colour of features varies considerably according to the lighting and viewing angles, and has been arbitrarily adjusted to optimise visibility. Full reports and images from each perijove are in the Think Tank as usual. --John Rogers".

/ Intensifcation : Thomas Thomopoulos